Thursday, August 23, 2012

Inu Akita

Inu Akita
Inu Akita, shiba inu akita, shiba inu akita mix, shiba inu akita inu, rakki inu akita rescue

Akita inu - History of breed

Akita inu named after the Akita province of the same name, located in northern Honsyu Island, the largest in the Japanese archipelago. This is a very ancient breed, as evidenced by archaeological data from studies which have found skeletons of ancient shpitseobrazni dogs from the second millennium BC were also found and preserved ancient paintings with images of dogs, reminiscent of contemporary Akita.

Perhaps the ancestors of the Akita inu were called Matagis inu. This dog had met in the mountains Ode of the eighth century and was used for hunting bears and wild boars. The history of Akita actually starts from the time of Edo (17th century), when hunting ceased and slowed needing a guard dog service.

So in the 18th century Akita inu from rural huts settled in the palaces of Japanese nobles. This change in social class due to become law of the Supreme Commander General Tsunayoshi whereby a person who kills or even hit Akita, was subject to severe punishment. Obviously, this contributed to the development of the breed. Furthermore Akita is considered a symbol of happiness and prosperity of the family. This is consistent with the religious mores of the time then.

Later, when Meyhi era (1868-1912) fashion dog fights were started to cross over with Akita inu Shikoku, a fighting breed, which originated subsequently toza inu. Concurrent active transfusion of blood from dogs Molossoid - St. Bernard, English Mastiff, German dogs, whose imports from Europe has become increasingly harder. So the new Akita was different from their ancestors with a powerful physique and distinctive angled placement of the ears.

Unfortunately, then for all Japanese dogs occurred rainy day. First tax was introduced possession of dogs, which in itself leads to a significant reduction in herds, and also broke an epidemic of rabies. It is known that in the island nation, this is tantamount to disaster. The very existence of the Akita breed as it turned under threat of extinction and only emergency measures of the then Japanese government helped to save the breed. In 1931 a law was issued, under which the breed is under state protection, and a year later, the Society for the Protection of Japanese dogs. In these years the Japanese economy developed rapidly and simultaneously increased the national consciousness and pride. The slogan "all Japanese is the best" talking to animals has benefited the development of local breeds of Japan.

Another crisis occurred during the Second World War. People never been to their dogs. In 1946 it turned out that survived only a few representatives of the Thoroughbred breed, which gave a very ghostly hopes for another revival of inu Akita as a breed.

In the early postwar years the Japanese islands were redirected many American troops. Of course, that big, beautiful and izashtni Akitas have attracted the attention of Americans and some dogs were imported into the United States. So it has been the rebirth of the breed, which is not strange. Large and bright dogs who are naturally endowed with an exhibition stand, calm and silence are simply designed to be displayed.

Akita inu development proceeded in the U.S. in the late 50s. A little later, the U.S., such dogs were imported into Germany and Italy. Thus, the breed became known throughout the dog world. Although the Akita inu kuchevadite attracted attention in many countries with the greatest popularity it enjoys in the U.S.. Here they are among the 30 most popular breeds, and each year more than 10 000 registered puppies. In Russia there are few representatives of the breed Akita inu.

Akita inu - a total of breed

Akita inu a Japanese hunting dog. Naiminovanieto has received from the province of Akita, located in the northern part of the island Honsyu. Most likely these dogs are imported from the Asian continent.

Akita inu is a very ancient breed. In Japan, found skeletal remains of primitive shpitseobrazni dogs, dating back to 2000 BC Some cynologists suggest that Akitas are descendants of northern chamomile, which is transfused blood and the dog. Undoubtedly it is not about modern dogs, mastiffs and dogs of the ancient type of dog Tibet (Tibetan Mastiff).

In Japan, Akita inu dog is very valuable when hunting large animals, mostly deer and bears. Therefore, attention is turned to the working qualities and prices are very high stature, strength and agility. To maintain and develop the hunting breeds and qualities of the Akita as early as the 6th century in Japan were based clubs for lovers of these dogs are up instructions, which is written how it should be kept, bred, trained and used. In the 15th century established herd books, which record the name, origin, color and other information about the dog.

Akita inu is the most ancient lineage. With the penetration of European civilization in Japan, however, ceased to keep those books and tribal resume them until 1928, when he was based society of the tribal leadership working with Akitas.

Akita inu become known to kuchevadite from America and Europe in recent times. The U.S. imported after World War II and come from America and other countries. In Europe napremer appeared only in 1963 the international exhibition in Hanover, Germany. In 1964, FCI Akita inu officially recognize and promote the breed standard. In recent years, these dogs began to appear on major exhibitions in Russia.

Akita inu dog is great. The height at the withers for males is 64-70 cm and females is 58-64 cm weight is 38-50 kg. The dog is keen to build, slightly elongated body with a balanced behavior and easily lends itself to dressage. It is restrained by an independent nature and likes to run alone.

The coat of the Akita nedalaga consists of upper and a hard layer and thick and dense undercoat. Patterns can be anything, including the tiger, but mainly occurs gray Rusty passing to black or pale yellow with a black mask. You have white spots on legs, chest, abdomen and tail, but not the head.

The head of the Akita is a serious skull volume is a broad forehead, whose protection goes well marked groove. The transition from forehead to muzzle, stop, is expressed, the cheeks are muscular, straight nose, not long, slightly tapering. Lips slightly wet, but tight fitting. Ears are small, triangular face, broad at the base. The eyes are dark. Tail tucked the ring, sometimes spiral touching the back or thigh.

Earlier, due to his courage and fearlessness, Akita inu used them for hunting large animals. Today, except for hunting their application is extended to these dogs as guards and companions on walks. It is best to be kept outdoors rather than in an apartment, unless they provided a lot of walking.


From 1999 to the FCI and other leading organizations recognize only one breed: Akita inu. But real history of the Akita starts in two dramatically different way at the end of World War II when U.S. soldiers brought with her Japanese home "service" dogs. Later work in Japan continues to breed, with an emphasis on hunting qualities and exquisite exterior of Akita, U.S. imports from Japan was banned for over 20 years, and Akitas are bred especially to the working qualities - for security and training. To develop "American Akita" used crossbred with German Shepherd Dog and Mastiffs.
As a result, representatives of the same breed, imported into Europe from both ends of the world differ dramatically both exterior and nature. "American Akita" in most part of Europe still underestimate the show ring and getting low grades. However breeders in Europe are fascinated by the way they work and their specific character. This eventually led to the creation of a new standard for "new" breed to legalize existing and fuel the difference between Japanese and American Akitas.
In 1999, FCI standard, and accepts that after long debate decided on the name of the "new" breed: Great Japanese Dog, ie large Japanese dog, and its location - Group 2 because of kinship ties with molosi breeds. Since 2000 and including a large Japanese Akita dogs are judged separately and is entitled to GYAK SASІV. Six years later (in July 2005 in Buenos Aires) is decided and the group name of the breed to be replaced - takes the already obtained American nationality name Akita and she returns to the fifth group with Spitz.
Breeding of both breeds is also done separately. In the event that there are small litters with evidence of other breeds, they are discarded. Realistically, in Eastern Europe in the past for lack of fish - small size of the Akita-inu - or get better qualities have made numerous crosses, so in our existing representatives of AA show "visible" by the Japanese Akita. In Eastern Europe there is still much work before the two species clearly visible and be farther apart, and GYAK - present American Akitas - to acquire one typical kind of inherent in the American and Canadian dogs, no matter in which a Japanese Akita.
What are the differences that may allow non-specialist and to determine the breed affiliation?
First, it's coloration. Japanese Dogs - Akita this - can be sesame (light rufousing) rufousing, tiger, etc. required to uradzhiro - white on the lower jaw and cheeks, the paws, chest, belly and tail. Are allowed and there are also pure white Akita. Do not allow dogs to have a black mask or muzzle to the stain. Akita is generally drier than the American Akita; with delicate bone structure and a fine head, the corners of the hind legs are straight and apparently dogs are short and compact. They are light, although they are large.
This American Akitas can be of any color, including black, there are often spotted. Most often these dogs have a black mask on the muzzle, although the standard is not mandatory. There are pure white and AA (naturally, without a mask). Americans are generally more massive than the Japanese, with massive bones, severe head more elongated and prominent corner of the hindquarters. AA is heavy and massive dogs, unlike the finer Japanese Akita.
The differences are particularly apparent in dogs with "pure" origin.
Both breeds are very rare in Bulgaria, though - paradoxically or not - AA occurs more frequently than the Japanese Akita. Currently the club has recorded 4 and 8 Akita American Akita (including those produced in Bulgaria), owned by former members of the club are another 4-5 Akita and a little more number of Americans.

Origin: Japan


Use: dogs

CLASSIFICATION FCI: Group 5 - Spitz and primitive, Section 5 - Asian Spitz and related breeds, without working trial

BRIEF HISTORICAL OVERVIEW: Originally Japanese dogs were small to medium in size and no large breeds existed. Since 1603 in the Akita region, Akita Matagi (medium-sized dogs for hunting bears) were used as fighting dogs. From 1868 Akita Matagi were crossed with Mastiffs and toza. As a consequence, the growth of this breed increased but were lost associated with Spitz type characteristics.
In 1908 were banned dog fighting, but this breed was nevertheless preserved and improved as a large Japanese breed. As a result, nine superior specimens of the breed were designated as "national treasure" in 1931
During World War II (1939-1945) was a common practice to use dogs as a source of fur for military garments. The police ordered the capture and confiscation of all dogs that are not breed German shepherd dogs used for military purposes. Some fanciers tried to circumvent the order by crossbreeding their dogs with German Shepherd dog.
After World War II, Akitas had been drastically reduced in number and existed as three distinct types: 1) Matagi Akitas, 2) fighting Akitas, and 3) Shepherd Akitas. This created a very confusing situation for the breed.
During the recovery process and purification of the breed after the war, Kongo-go, dog Dewa line, which exhibited characteristics of the Mastiff and the influence of German shepherd dog, enjoys a brief but tremendous popularity. However prepared lovers of the breed not approve of this type as a proper Japanese breed, and made efforts to purge the presence of old foreign breeds by crossbreeding with Matagi Akitas for the purpose of restoring the original pure breed. Succeeded in stabilizing the pure strain of large-sized breed as known today.

GENERAL APPEARANCE: Large-sized dog with a bulky physique, well balanced and with much substance; secondary sex characteristics strongly marked, with exceptional nobility and dignity in homeliness, the dog is healthy.

IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS: The ratio of height at withers and body length (from top of shoulder to the end of the pelvis) is 10:11, but the body is slightly longer in females than in males.

BEHAVIOUR AND TEMPERAMENT: The character is composed, faithful, docile and receptive.



Skull: The size is proportional to the body. The forehead is broad, with a clearly visible line. No wrinkles.

Stop: Well marked.


Nose: Large and black. A pale pigmentation and depigmentation are permitted in white dogs only but black is always preferred.

Muzzle: Moderately long and strong with broad base, tapering, but not pointed. The back of the nose is straight.

Jaws / Teeth: Teeth strong, bite - scissor.

Lips: Close fitting.

Cheeks: Moderately developed.

Eyes: Relatively small, almost triangular in shape due to the rising of the outer corner of eye, moderately spaced and are dark brown: the darker the better.

Ears: Relatively small, thick, triangular, slightly rounded on top, moderately apart, pricked and inclining forward.

NECK: Thick and muscular, without podves proportional to the head.

Back: Straight and strong
Loin: Broad and muscular
Chest: Deep, forechest well developed, ribs moderately arched
Belly: Well tucked up

TAIL: High set, thick, carried vigorously curled over back; tip nearly reaching hocks when stretched down


Front legs:

Shoulders: Moderately sloping and developed
Elbows: Tight
Predramo: Law and severe bone

HINDQUARTERS: Well developed, strong and moderately angulated

PAWS: Solid, round, arched and tight.

Gait: Free and powerful movements

HAIR: Outer coat harsh and straight, undercoat - soft and dense; withers and tail are covered with slightly longer hair, hair of the tail is longer than the rest of the body.

COLOUR: Red fawn, sesame (red-yellow hair with black tip), brindle and white. All the above colors except white must have "uradzhiro" (uradzhiro - whitish coat on both sides of the nose, cheeks, the jaw, neck, chest, body and tail and inside the krayntsite)


Height at withers:
Dogs - 67 cm
Females - 61 cm
There is a tolerance of 3 cm in both directions

Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which he is liable to be in exact proportion to its degree.

    Bitchy dogs / doggy bitches
    Overshot or undershot
    Missing teeth
    Blue or blue stains language
    Light-colored irises
    Short tail


    Ears not pricked
    Loose ponytail
    Long hair (shaggy)
    Black Mask
    Spots on a white background

    Note: Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

Inu Akita, shiba inu akita, shiba inu akita mix, shiba inu akita inu, rakki inu akita rescue

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